African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa is the leading exhibition and conference for the African power, energy and water industry. Now celebrating its 20th edition, it is the premier meeting place for over 10,000 industry professionals from over 80 countries to connect at numerous events, discover new products and services with over 360 exhibitors and learn from over 350 renowned experts in a strategic conference and free-to-attend Knowledge Hub seminars.

If you're a supplier to the African power, energy and water industry, we can help you achieve your business objectives.
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河北工程大学 - hebnews.cn:2021-6-18 · 凡注有“河北新闻网”电头或标明“来源:河北新闻网”的所有作品,版权均为本网站与河北日报报业集团所有(本网为河北日报报业集团独家授权版权管理机构)。
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The Strategic Conference Programme is renowned for world-class content, unrivalled networking and exclusive connections.
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To me African Utility Week is the leader in the market when it comes to power generation - not only at utility scale, but also at a smaller scale. African Utility Week is excellent. It’s probably the best platform we have in SA. Not only from an industry point of view but also for networking with representatives of international agencies and governments.
It was a very good conference, many thanks for giving me the opportunity to be at the panel discussion. The networking was just fantastic and so were the resource presentations. I am already receiving lots of communication from the networks through the conference.
It was a very enriching experience and I got to learn a lot as well. African Utility Week was definitely one of my highlights for this year and I connected with some pretty amazing people. You guys did an absolutely fantastic job.
African Utility Week was one of the most professional conferences I have attended, the service was great and the app helped me greatly in meeting and making contacts for the future.
It is the most important show we have every year. There are some people I don’t even see in Johannesburg that I see here every year. It brings the industry together in South Africa, but it also exposes us to a bigger utility market in Africa.
For me it is a thriving event. Great guest list, some really good, entertaining, interesting speakers, talking about what’s happening, not just here in South Africa, but across so much of Africa.
Thank you for organizing such a seamless and productive conference, your team did a fantastic job with such a large event.
苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-4 · 武雪梅 日前,苹果公司CEO蒂姆库克回应苹果应用商店中国区将VPN下架一事说,我伔在遵守当地法律的情况下在当地开展生意。一些网民将此事与去年 ...
2024 will be PIC Group’s third consecutive year exhibiting at African Utility Week as it brings together so many key decision-makers from across the African power sector in one place at one time. African Utility Week has enabled us to expand our network and develop new opportunities with utilities, investors, OEMs, and EPCs throughout the African continent and beyond. As a global company, we’ve found it to be ‘the’ gateway event to the African power sector.